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Finding the Right Fit for You!
Select a Career Path and College to Support Your Uniqueness
A 4-Session Webinar Series for High School Students)

Many high school students are overwhelmed with the thought that they may have to live "unhappily ever after" with whatever career or college choice they make today. However, the latest research provided by the U.S. Department of Labor tells a different story:

  • Today's students will have 10 to 14 jobs by the time they are 38 years old and the average job will last less than 5 years.  

  • The Top 10 "In Demand" jobs in 2013 did not exist in 2004.

  • The amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years so for students starting a 4-year technical or college degree, 50% of what they learn in the first year of study will be outdated by the 3rd year.  


Therefore, smart students are recognizing that the key to their future career satisfaction is to truly understand themselves, their strengths, interests, and unique personality style preferences so that they can make great educational, training, and career choices now and into the future, which will support them in being happy and successful.  


For Students:

  • Are you feeling confused about how to choose a career field or a college major?

  • Is it difficult to decide which colleges to consider?

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by all of the advice you are receiving from family, friends, and teachers?

  • Are you worried about choosing a different school than the ones your friends are choosing?


If so, this 4-session webinar series will give you a clear understanding of your own personality style preferences so that you can make good choices about potential careers, college majors, and colleges or universities ideally suited to your uniqueness.   


For Parents:

  • Is your son or daughter stressed out by the prospect of choosing a career, college major, or college to attend?

  • Does he or she have difficulty deciding what type of career or college might be a good fit with their strengths and personality style?

  • Does your teenager know how to research future job market trends to identify career options projected to be "high growth", "high demand" fields so that they know that there are likely to be job opportunities in their chosen field when they graduate?

  • Will your family member experience a "return on investment" for their education?  Will the projected salary ranges for the types of positions they may land when they graduate outweigh the cost of their education within a reasonable period of time?

This 4-session webinar series will provide your son or daughter with:

  • Two reports detailing their unique personality style preferences.

  • Information on college majors chosen by students with a style preference similar to their own and tips for choosing a major.

  • A description of the Top 20 career fields chosen by individuals with the same style.

  • The opportunity to identify the aspects of their style preferences which can influence the type of college or university environment which could be a great fit for them.

  • Tips and tricks to using great websites to research current and future employment trends, identify projected salary ranges for various career fields, and explore programs offered at colleges or universities which match their career goals.  




Finding the Right Fit for You!


For this program, you will complete a very easy and quick online questionnaire called the "Myers Briggs Type Indicator" (MBTI). The MBTI assessment was developed by a mother/daughter team, Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Briggs, based on the work of a famous psychiatrist, Carl Jung. Initially, in the early 1920's, Katharine developed a vocation test for children which she saw as a key to a child's future happiness and well-being. By incorporating Jung's work, she and her daughter, Isabel, developed the MBTI to identify 16 different personality types that help explain differences in how people take in information and make decisions about it. This assessment is a non-judgemental system which looks at the strengths and gifts of individuals. All preferences and personality types are equally valuable and useful.


Based on more than 70 years of research supporting its reliability and validity, the MBTI assessment has been used by more than 50 million people worldwide to gain insight into the normal, healthy differences that are observed in everyday behavior and to open up opportunities for growth and development. 


You will be amazed at how closely the results will reflect you and your uniqueness! Once you are aware of your style preferences, you will be able to use this understanding of your uniqueness to explore career options, consider college majors, select the right type of college environment, and capitalize on your personality style strengths to ensure a great college experience and a successful career path!  


In just four short weeks, you will know how to ensure that your career and your life are designed to help you achieve your ideal vision for the future and experience your wildest dreams!


If you are interested in taking the "7 Steps to a Great Career" program, we highly recommend that you also take this webinar program to gain a clear sense of your uniqueness and how it relates to your career choices. You are welcome to take this course prior to or concurrent with the other program.   

The Program:

The "Finding the Right Fit for You" program provides comprehensive information to support you in understanding how your style preferences can influence your happiness and success at college and in your future career.  


Prior to the start of this program, you will go online and complete a very simple questionnaire, based on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).  For this program, you will receive two comprehensive reports:


Personal Impact Report:

Your 24-page Personal Impact Report is designed to help you make use of your results so that you can better understand yourself and your preferences. Your report will show you how your personality type is distinct from other types and how it influences the way you perceive, communicate, and interact.  This report can help you:  

  • Improve communication and teamwork as you gain awareness of the personality differences you see in others.  

  • Work more effectively with those who may approach problems and decisions very differently than you do.

  • Navigate your school, work, and personal relationships with more insight and effectiveness.

  • Understand your preferences for learning and the activities you most enjoy.

  • More successfully manage the everyday conflicts and stresses that school, work, and life may bring. 

The Career Report:  

This 10-page report applies your results from the assessment to help you identify job families and occupations that are a good fit for your type. This report can help you:

  • Identify job families, or broad occupational categories, to help get you started in or expand your career search.

  • Choose a specific job or career.

  • Select a college major, course of study, or retraining opportunity.

  • Identify strengths and potential weaknesses of your type for the career search process.

  • Increase the level of satisfaction you will experience in your career.

  • Plan your career development strategy and action steps.


The 4-part webinar series includes the following:

  • Session #1:  An Introduction to Understanding Your Style Preferences.
    During this session, you will review your Personal Impact Report which provides comprehensive, detailed information for you to use to determine your style preferences and understand how your preferences can influence your future career and life satisfaction.

  • Session #2:  Exploring Career Options Based on Your Preferences.
    Once you have a good understanding of your preferences, you will review your personalized Career Report and explore the types of careers which may be a good fit with your style, assess how your style may influence typical college tasks (such as learning, studying, writing, taking tests), and strategize ways to get along with other people with different styles, including faculty, roommates, and other students.   

  • Session #3:  Researching Future Trends for Careers and Industries.
    In addition to identifying careers which may be well suited to your style, in this session, you will use some very cool online tools to identify "What's Hot?"  In other words, what are the employment and salary trends for various career fields now and in the next 10 to 20 years?   

  • Session #4:  Choosing a College Major and Selecting the Right School 
    Learn about the college majors chosen by other students with your style preferences and identify the key things to consider when selecting a college or university.  

How the Program Works:

"Finding the Right Fit for You!" is a 4-session webinar series, 1.5 hours per session, offered one session per week for 4 weeks. 


Using online webinar technology, you can actively participate in the program from the comfort of your own home.  To participate, you simply need a computer with an internet connection to view the visuals and a headset with microphone if you want to listen to the audio via your computer.  However, the clarity of the audio is best by accessing it via a standard telephone.


Webinar Series Schedule:


The next "Finding the Right Fit for You!" series is being offered on the following dates:

  • Dates for the next webinar series will be announced soon!

To calculate the time zone in your local area, check out the time zone converter for the United States here:


Prior to the start of the program, you will receive an email confirming your registration and providing the dial-in information for the webinar series.  In addition, the email will provide a link to the online MBTI profile tool.  You will be asked to complete the profile prior to the start of the program.  Your results and the corresponding reports will be provided to you just before the course begins.  


Sign up today to participate in the "Finding the Right Fit for You!" webinar series.  


For $99.00, you will:

  • Learn about your style preferences to that you can make good choices about your future career, college major, and college selection.

  • Participate in a highly interactive, 4-session webinar series (1.5 hours per session), offered to you in the comfort of your own home.  NOTE:  No travel or scheduling challenges! 

  • Receive a Participant Workbook for you to use to guide your journey, your customized Personal Impact Report and Career Report. 

  • Participate in a supportive, private, online Job Club with other program participants (optional, if desired). 

  • Have the opportunity to work directly with Susan McGraw, founder of Career Success for Women & Youth, who received teaching credentials from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and has coached over 7,000 individuals and trained more than 45,000 seminar participants to embrace change, create smooth life transitions, and enhance their career and professional satisfaction.


The program includes:

  • A highly interactive, 4-session webinar series (1.5 hours per session), offered to you in the comfort of your own home, with no travel or scheduling challenges! 

  • A Participant Workbook for you to use to guide your journey, your customized Personal Impact Report and Career Report.

  • A supportive, private, online Job Club with other program participants (optional). 

  • The opportunity to work directly with Susan McGraw, founder of Career Success for Women & Youth, who received teaching credentials from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and has coached over 7,000 individuals and trained more than 45,000 seminar participants to embrace change, create smooth life transitions, and enhance their career and professional satisfaction.

Give yourself the tools to ensure that your college experience and career match your vision for the future!

Give yourself the tools to ensure that your college experience and career match your vision for the future!

Check back later for the Schedule of Summer 2017 Programs!
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