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Welcome to Career Success for Women!

Are you:

  • Unhappy?

  • Dissatisfied with your work?

  • Good at your job, but don't really enjoy it?

  • Stifled by an environment which feels hostile or doesn't value you or your contribution?

  • In between jobs because someone else decided it was time for you to make a change due to an organizational restructuring or industry shift?

  • Dreaming of your ideal career, doing something you love?

  • Imagining what it would be like to be your own boss?

  • Unable to be your true self in your job or in your leadership role? 


If so, you are not alone!  Unfortunately, the average employee in the US today spends less than 5% of their day doing the part of the job they love and do well!  Can you believe it? Most people really DO spend 95% of their time being unhappy at work! In addition, the typical employee will change jobs every two to three years due to organizational and industry changes, so being "in between jobs" is now a normal part of life!      


If you are interested in exploring ways to love your work, start a business you enjoy, enhance your leadership skills, or feel strong and powerful in a hostile work environment, I would like to personally invite you to join me, and other interesting women from around the country, in exciting, dynamic, and effective online, webinar-based programs which will give you the tools, techniques, and strategies to love your work and your life! 


For over 25 years, as a Manager, Executive, Business Owner, Professional Speaker, Career & Business Coach, and Corporate Trainer, I have had the privilege of working with tens of thousands of individuals, teams, organizations, and communities.  And trust me, I have personally experienced, observed, or heard it all....every kind of workplace situation imaginable!  


As a result, I have created these programs to share with you the key strategies which I have successfully used to address the many challenges I have faced in my own professional life and which have supported my clients in achieving success in theirs, as well!


I hope that you will join me!  I would love to hear your story and support you in transforming your life!  


Susan McGraw

Founder, Career Success for Women



Programs for Women:

Susan McGraw
Career Success for Women 

Find a Job that Fuels Your Passion!

Are you in mid-career or later, worried that it is too late to bring your unique gifts and talents to the world and to create a job or career that gives  you the freedom to live the lifestyle you want to live?


Here is the good news!  It is NOT too late!  In fact, now more than ever, the world needs you to bring your authentic self to your work and your life!  


In this 90-minute, instant access webinar, you will learn how to overcome the 3 critical myths that could be blocking your ability to create the life you were meant to live!

6 Steps to a Job You Love! Master Class  


If you are unhappy in your current job, are "in between" jobs, or want to explore ways to create a job or career which fits your authentic self, the "6 Steps to a Job You Love!" Master Class will give you all the tools you need to create a smooth transition to your ideal job or career! You really CAN transform your life!  


By participating in this "Instant Access" video-training course, you will be introduced to a step-by-step approach which will assist you in finding the "hidden" opportunities, which are ideally suited to you, your strengths, experience, and uniqueness.  Instead of being just "one in the millions" of resumes on or, you CAN stand out in the crowd.  

Rather than using a generic, "shot gun" approach to scatter your resume everywhere, hoping that it will stick to something, you CAN use a very targeted, directed approach to identify the organizations most likely to be a good fit for your unique strengths, interests, and ideal environment components.  Even if you feel like you are shy, reserved, or don't like to "brag" about yourself, by incorporating a few simple tips and techniques, you CAN shamelessly promote yourself and your accomplishments!

Becoming Your Own Boss! Master Class
Build a transition plan to shift from "employee" to "business owner".


If you have always dreamed of starting your own business, but didn't know how to get started or were afraid to lose the financial stability of a paycheck, this 8-session webinar series will give you the tools you need to build a smooth transition into self-employment!  


Instead of just jumping into the deep end of the pool, this program will provide you with effective strategies to maintain financial stability and cash flow while you build your dream business.

Being an Authentic Leader!

Whether you are an informal leader in your work team, a supervisor or manager of a team or department, or a member of the executive leadership team of your organization, you can enhance your influence and effectiveness by bringing your authentic self to the role.  


Recognize and capitalize on your unique leadership strengths. Use your uniqueness to expand your scope of influence.  Earn more respect from your peers, subordinates, and the boss! Enhance your managerial and leadership effectiveness!  

Don't Let the Bullies Get You Down!
Strategies to effectively cope with workplace bullies! 

Unfortunately, bullying behavior in the workplace is very common today! Many women are surprised to learn that it is even more prevalent in service organizations (particularly those providing human or social services) than in product-oriented companies. In fact, you may be working in a hostile environment without even realizing it!


"Overt" tactics are most common (i.e., yelling, critical comments, negative feedback, etc.).  But the most destructive forms of bullying are "covert" (i.e., not sharing important information with you, excluding you from relevant meetings, putting up obstacles to your success or sabotaging your efforts, etc.).  


Even more troubling, since bullying is designed to gain or maintain power and control, workplace bullies often target the person on the team perceived as the most powerful or threatening to the bully's power.  

In this program, you will learn effective strategies to maintain your own sense of power in a hostile work environment and take control of your life and your future!

Personalized Coaching & Resume Development Programs:

Prefer a more personal approach?

Although many women benefit from the interaction with other interesting, dynamic, and supportive women in a group setting, you may prefer a more personalized, individual approach, custom designed to meet your schedule and professional objectives.  


Susan McGraw, founder of Career Success for Women, will serve as your personal Executive Coach, supporting you in implementing strategies to achieve your career, business, or leadership goals.  


With over 25 years of experience as a Manager, Executive, Business Owner, Career Coach, Organizational Consultant, Professional Speaker & Trainer, Susan has worked with thousands of individuals and hundreds of organizations to support them in creating smooth transitions and achieving success!    

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