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Don't Let the Bullies Get You Down!

Strategies to Effectively Cope with Workplace Bullies!
Instant Access, Video-Training Course

Have you:

  • Been threatened, humiliated, intimidated, or verbally abused at work?

  • Had someone sabotage your work, withhold important information, or exclude you from conversations or meetings? OR....

  • Observed a co-worker being on the receiving end of any of these behaviors? OR....

  • Felt that you had to protect your staff from a superior who was asking you to treat your own team members in a negative way? OR....

  • Tried to buffer your team from the effects of a hostile organizational culture?


If so, you are not alone!  Workplace bullying in the U.S. is officially an epidemic!


According to the Workplace Bullying Institute: 


  • The 2014 national survey indicates that 65 million workers in the U.S. are affected by workplace bullying, which is equivalent to the combined populations of 15 states. This number includes those who have experienced direct bullying and those who have vicariously experienced it by witnessing it.  The witnesses experience the same severity of emotional injury as the injuries suffered by bullied individuals.   


  • Workplace bullying is defined as repeated mistreatment or abusive conduct that is:  threatening, humiliating, or intimidating; work sabotage; or verbal abuse. The closest analogy to workplace bullying is domestic violence, with bullying being a non-physical form of workplace violence.  (Workplace Bullying Institute, 2014)


  • Although male bosses are more likely to be the bully, targeting both men and women, female bullies target other women more frequently (68%).  


  • Unfortunately, targets lose their jobs at a much higher rate than perpetrators (82% to 18%).  This is particularly true when the bullies are women, with their female targets losing their jobs 89% of the time.  

  • Sadly enough, 38% of co-workers did nothing to stop abusive treatment of their peers.  And even worse, an additional 11% contributed to the abusive behavior by isolating or ostracizing the target from the group or siding with the perpetrator.

  • There is no state or federal law yet enacted to compel U.S. employers to address abusive conduct that occurs outside the limited definitions of illegal discriminatory actions. Therefore, in the absence of legal prohibitions against it, employers are failing to take responsibility for its prevention and correction.  In fact, 72% of employers deny, discount, encourage, rationalize, or defend it.


Workplace bullies use abusive behavior to gain or maintain power, control, or status.  Therefore, contrary to popular myth, the typical target of a workplace bully is not the person perceived as the "weakest link" on the team.  Quite the opposite......the target is usually the person who is perceived to be the greatest threat to the bully.  


So, if you are a target in your organization, congratulations!  You are perceived as a powerful threat!  But, the question is.....what to do about it?? 

The Program:

The "Don't Let the Bullies Get You Down!" instant access, video-training course provides you with the best tools, tips, and strategies to recognize, understand, and effectively deal with abusive behavior on the job. Learn how to stay calm and centered even when you are in the "eye of the storm", take your power back, and regain a sense of control over your work and your life!


Whether you are the target, the observer, or the "buffer" between the abuser and your team, this program will give you everything you need to remain the strong, powerful, smart, and successful person that you really are!     


This 4-session, instant access, video-training course includes the following:

  • Session #1:  Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Workplace Bullying
    Identifying overt and covert types of bullying in the work environment, including verbally or emotionally abusive behavior. Understand the underlying causative factors influencing the bully's behavior. Recognize the impact on the organizational culture of a hostile work environment.    

  • Session #2: The Impact on You of a Bullying Environment
    Explore the impact on you of bullying behavior from a subordinate, co-worker, or supervisor and the impact of working in a hostile environment. Recognize the short-term symptoms and long-term consequences on your health and well-being.    

  • Session #3:  Strategies to Address Bullying Behavior
    Learn effective techniques to address the bullying behavior you may be experiencing from a subordinate, co-worker, or supervisor. Ensure that you do not get engaged in the toxic behavior.  For supervisors, managers, and executives, learn the most important strategies you can use to stop bullying on your team or in your organization.

  • Session #4: Strategies to Reclaim Your Power in Your Job, Career, and Life
    Build a short and long-term action plan, detailing the strategies you will use if you choose to stay in your current job (but not be negatively impacted), transition to a different job within the same organization, or find another job. Weigh the benefits and disadvantages of being a whistle-blower.  Know how to identify the symptoms during a job interview so that you don't repeat the pattern in your next job.

The program includes:

  • A 4-session, instant access, video-training course, offered to you in the comfort of your own home (no travel or scheduling challenges)! 

  • A Participant Workbook (in pdf format) for you to use to guide your journey.

  • A supportive, private, online community with other like-minded women, from all walks of life.

  • The opportunity to work directly with Susan McGraw, founder of Career Success for Women & Youth, who has coached over 7,000 individuals and trained more than 45,000 group participants to embrace change, create smooth life transitions, and enhance their career and professional satisfaction.

New Course Coming Soon!

Give yourself the tools to take back your power and regain a sense of mastery over your work and your life!

How the Program Works:

"Don't Let the Bullies Get You Down" is a 4-session, instant access, video-training, which you can complete from the the comfort of your own home.  


Sign up today to participate in the  "Don't Let the Bullies Get You Down" course.  COMING SOON!  


For $149.00, you will:

  • Be guided through the 4-session video training course, offered to you in the comfort of your own home (no travel or scheduling challenges)! 

  • Receive a Participant Workbook (in pdf format) for you to use to guide your journey.

  • Engage in a supportive, private, online community with other like-minded women, from all walks of life.

  • Have the opportunity to work directly with Susan McGraw, founder of Career Success for Women & Youth, who has coached over 7,000 individuals and trained more than 45,000 group participants to embrace change, create smooth life transitions, and enhance their career and professional satisfaction.

Give yourself the tools to take back your power and regain a sense of mastery over your work and your life!

New Course Coming Soon!
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