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If you have experienced any of the above concerns, the "6 Steps to a Job You Love!" Master Class will give you the tools you need to create a smooth transition to your ideal job or career!  


You really CAN transform your life!


During this program, you will reflect on you and your uniqueness, assessing your style preferences, so that you can proactively change your life or work in a way which matches your ideal vision for yourself and your future! Whether you decide to stay in your current job or make a job or career change, this Master Class will give you everything you need to make your work and your life more enjoyable!  


By participating in this course, you will be introduced to a step-by-step approach which will assist you in finding the "hidden" opportunities, which are ideally suited to you, your strengths, experience, and uniqueness.  


Instead of being just "one in the millions" of resumes on or, you CAN stand out in the crowd.  Rather than using a generic, "shot gun" approach to scatter your resume everywhere, hoping that it will stick to something, you CAN use a very targeted, directed approach to identify the organizations most likely to be a good fit for your unique strengths, interests, and ideal environment components.


Even if you feel like you are shy, reserved, or don't like to "brag" about yourself, by incorporating a few simple techniques, you CAN shamelessly promote yourself and your accomplishments!


By participating in the "6 Steps to a Job You Love!" Master Class, you will:

  • Complete interest and values assessments which will assist you in defining your uniqueness, exploring career options, and designing a short and long-range career plan to help you achieve your ideal vision for the future. 

  • Build a short and long-term career transition plan to make smooth transitions and maintain financial stability throughout your career.

  • Utilize really cool online tools to find out about new and emerging trends in the job market so that you can ensure that the choices you make about your career now will carry you into the future.

  • Create a dynamite resume (or more than one, if appropriate), which is specifically targeted to match your ideal new job or career.  

  • Implement effective job search strategies, incorporating internet research and networking, to unlock the hidden job market, foster synchronicity (otherwise known as "weird coincidences"), and make miracles happen (otherwise known as "being in the right place at the right time")!  

  • Be so prepared for an interview that you will nail it and close the deal!

  • Successfully negotiate a salary and benefits package which meets or exceeds your expectations!


The tools and techniques offered in this program really CAN help you transform your work and your life!


So, what do you do when you realize you are not happy?

Perhaps, you are not sure about the type of job or career you would enjoy because you have:

  • Recently entered the workforce and are not really sure how to focus your career direction.  OR....

  • Been out of the workforce for some time and are wondering how to re-enter without "starting over".  OR....

  • Have been in a job which you don't enjoy, but have no idea how to shift to something you might like better.  OR.....

  • Considered that you would really love to turn your hobby or passion into a career.  OR.....

  • Wondered if someone would pay you to do what you really love to do. OR...


Are unhappy in your current job or career and have:

  • Experienced sleepless nights or had nightmares about challenges you face at work.  OR.....

  • Woken up in the morning feeling depressed about having to go to work. OR...

  • Complained to your family or friends that, although you are good at your job, you don't really enjoy it. OR....

  • Worried that you and your boss or co-workers really don't see "eye to eye". OR...

  • Realized that your work is interfering with the rest of your life. OR...

  • Believed that you have to stay in your current job even though it doesn't meet your needs. OR....

  • Had your friends tell you that you really need to get a new job. OR....

  • Worried that you could not possibly make the same amount of money or have the same level of seniority, benefits, or other perks if you left your current job.  OR....

Enjoy your current job, but are concerned about the future because you:

  • Worry that there are not opportunities for further growth or advancement with your current employer. OR....

  • Anticipate that industry changes or potential organizational restructuring could impact your job!


6 Steps to a Job You Love! Master Class
(Instant Access, Video-Training Course)


For most of us, our work is a main focus of our lives, consuming more time each week than any other activity.  We may go to school and get formal training for the work we aspire to do.  Or we may gain broad experience "on the job".  With the average employee experiencing at least 15 job changes by age 38 and multiple layoffs due to organizational restructuring, the ability to "reinvent yourself" and make smooth career transitions is a critical life skill required for success in today's world!  


One key to creating smooth transitions is to focus on your strengths, those activities that you enjoy and do well!  Unfortunately, research says that the average American only spends 5% of their work day doing the part of the job they enjoy and do well! Wow....only 5%!  What about the other 95%? Some people spend it doing tasks they may be skilled at, but don't enjoy.  Or even worse.....doing things they aren't really good at and don't enjoy!  For many people, the work itself isn't the problem; the environment just isn't any fun or isn't a good fit with their style.    


What about you?  


What percentage of your day are you spending doing work you enjoy?  If you are like most Americans, the percentage is very low.  If so, the good news is that, at least you aren't alone!  However, if the percentage for you is more than 50%, then congratulations.... you are way ahead of the rest of the country! But even being dissatisfied for half of your time is way too much, don't you think!  

Give yourself the tools to ensure that your work and your life match your vision for the future!

Program Results:

What participants have said about "6 Steps to a Job You Love!"


"Thank you for restoring my sense of hope!"


"I think this program is the stuff that I needed to get me moving again with my life."


"Excellent workshops which provided great information, examples, and hope for success."


"The information provided was up to date and usable by everyone, regardless of where they are in their job search."


"This program has strengthened my belief that I can accomplish something positive at age 56."


"This program has provided me a more positive outlook on my future job opportunities."


"Excellent workshop and series that has provided me with the structure and focus to significantly help me on my journey for a new career.  Thank you very much!"


"Awesome workshops which exceeded my expectations!  
I would recommend them to others."


"This is a Ph.D. in job search.  Well done!  Thanks!"


"New ways of thinking are emerging as a result of this program."


"This program has been an eye opener for me!  Outstanding!"

Give yourself the tools to ensure that your work and your life match your vision for the future!

The Program:

The "6 Steps to a Job You Love!" Master Class provides you with a targeted, step-by-step approach to increasing your success at finding new and emerging "pockets of opportunity" during a job search or exploring the start-up of a new business.   


The 6-part video training course includes the following:

  • Step 1, Direct Your Life:  Managing the Emotional Roller Coaster Ride of Change.  
    In Step 1, you will examine your reactions to dramatic life changes and explore effective change management strategies to maintain a positive perspective during a transition. This step provides the opportunity to recognize how your perspective can negatively or positively impact the results of your efforts.

  • Step 2:  Designing Your Future:  Developing an Effective Career Plan to Guarantee Smooth Transitions.
    in Step 2, you will complete an assessment of your style preferences, interests, skills, strengths, values, experience, and uniqueness to build a short and long-term career plan.

  • Step 3:  What's Hot?  Identify the Latest Trends.
    Step 3 provides a step-by-step guide to explore online resources, which provide comprehensive information on employment trends, occupational requirements, and opportunities for training and education to enhance job skills.  

  • Step 4,  Shameless Self-Promotion:  Creating a Resume to Land a Job You Will Love!  
    Stand out from the crowd!  Learn the guidelines to consider when developing resumes and cover letters targeted to your "ideal" job or career which you have identified in Steps 2 and 3 of the program. In addition, learn effective strategies to get your resume into the "Yes" pile for an interview. 

  • Step 5:  Uncover Opportunities You Might Love!
    In this session, you will learn how to cultivate your uniqueness to target opportunities in the job market. Use effective strategies to use the internet and networking to research and identify opportunities in the "hidden job market" or identify unmet needs which you could uniquely fill.  

  • Step 6,  Present the Real You:  Nail the Interview and Negotiate Like a Pro!
    Land the job by implementing effective techniques to successfully promote your accomplishments, answer difficult interview questions, and negotiate to get what you want!  


The program includes:

  • 6-video trainings, which you can complete in the comfort of your own home (no travel or scheduling challenges)! 

  • 6 Quick Start Guides, providing a roadmap to guide your journey & track your success! 

  • A supportive, private, online community with other like-minded women, from all walks of life.

  • The opportunity to work directly with Susan McGraw, founder of Career Success for Women & Youth, who has coached over 7,000 individuals and trained more than 45,000 group participants to embrace change, create smooth life transitions, and enhance their career and professional satisfaction.

Give yourself the tools to ensure that your work and your life match your vision for the future!

How the Program Works:

"6 Steps to a Job You Love!" Master Class is an "instant access" course.  It includes 6 video-trainings, 6 Quick Start Guides, and 90-days free membership in the private, Career Success for Women Members Only Community for this course.


You can complete the course in the comfort of your own home, at a time that is convenient for you!  No worries about scheduling hassles, time zone issues, or anything!  It is an ideal way to invest in you, yourself, and your future!


Sign up today to participate in the "6 Steps to a Job You Love!" Master Class.  


For $199.00, you will:

  • Be guided, step-by-step, through the 6 Steps to a Job You Love, via the video-training sessions, so that  you are able to create the job or career that gives you the freedom to live the life you want to live.....all from the comfort of your own home, when it is most convenient for your schedule!

  • Receive a Quick Start Guide for each step, which serves as a roadmap to guide your journey and track your success. 

  • Engage in a supportive, private, online community with other like-minded women, from all walks of life.

  • Have the opportunity to work directly with Susan McGraw, founder of Career Success for Women, who has coached over 7,000 individuals and trained more than 45,000 group participants to embrace change, create smooth life transitions, and enhance their career and professional satisfaction.



No Risk Guarantee!


Within 30 days, if you are not satisfied with the program, we will be happy to refund your money, no questions asked!


Special, limited time offer.....SAVE $50!

For a limited time, you can become a MASTER of the
"6 Steps to a Job You Love"
for only $149!


Sign up today to take advantage of this special offer! 

Give yourself the tools to be able to ensure that your work and your life match your vision for the future!

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