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Becoming Your Own Boss!
Master Class

Build a transition plan to shift from "employee"
to "business owner".


On a daily basis in our culture, we are bombarded with opinions on whether you will feel a greater sense of security by having a job or by having your own business. Although the "employee" vs. "self-employed" debate will continue unabated, the simple truth is that we are all "self-employed".  We all provide a product or a service to someone or some organization (i.e., a "customer") and in exchange, we get something of value.  


The value for the individual may be represented by receiving a paycheck and benefits or by receiving a payment after submitting an invoice. The only real difference between the two is how many customers we have and how often we get paid.


The debate then it better to have only one customer (i.e., an employer, which means only one egg in the basket!) or many customers (i.e., or many eggs in the basket!).  Certainly a case could be made that many customers in the basket could provide a much stronger sense of security than only one source of income, particularly during times of dramatic industry or economic changes. With the average employee experiencing 15 to 20 job changes in their career and multiple layoffs due to organizational restructuring, the days of feeling secure in a job are long gone!    


As a result, many employees have recognized that it is smart to bring an entrepreneurial perspective to their job, which is now known as "intrapreneurship". Whether an intrapreneur or entrepreneur, being able to create a smooth transition from one work setting to another is a critical skill in times of rapid change.     


You may know someone who left a job and started their own business without much forethought or planning. Although it may have worked out for them, it usually isn't the best approach!  


Trust me, I know this to be true, since this is how I started my first business! I left a job suddenly, due to an ethical conflict, and started a business the next day...without any clear idea what to do, how to do it, or what resources would be required.     


If you are dreaming of having your own business one day or you simply dislike your current job, boss, or company and want to "do your own thing", don't do it the hard way!  Make it easier and increase your chances of success!  Sign up for this webinar and build a short and long-term plan to make a smooth transition from "employee" to "business owner".

The Program:

The "Becoming Your Own Boss" Master Class provides you with a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to create a smooth transition from "employment" to "self-employment", from "employee" to "business owner".    


The 6-session video training course includes the following:

  • Session #1:  The Vision of the Future, Part I
    In this session, you will review the model for creating a smooth longer-term transition into self-employment or business ownership, identifying the focus for each of the three phases of the transition process. You will begin the process of creating your vision for the future, focusing on the seamless integration of your personal and professional life through self-employment or business ownership. You will consider how various types of businesses, products, services, or work environments match your uniqueness and style preferences.  

  • Session #2:  The Vision of the Future, Part II
    You will have the opportunity to discuss the visioning activities which you completed since the first session, detailing your thoughts on the type of business, products, or services you would enjoy, how your business will support your goals for your ideal work style, life style, and environment.   

  • Session #3:  Building a Long-Term Action Plan
    In this session, you will determine the specifics of your ideal business operations: Location, organizational environment, size, staffing, roles and responsibilities, sales and financial goals, products or services, product/service strategy, industry trends, competitors, target market, pricing/place/promotion strategies, etc.

  • Session #4:  Beliefs about Self-Employment & Business Success
    The success of a new business is often dependent on the beliefs held by the owner.  During this session, you will have the opportunity to examine limited beliefs about your ability to create your own business, meet your financial goals, and be happy! 

  • Session #5:  Phase I, Where am I Now?
    After jumping into the future to envision your ideal business long-term, in order to build an effective transition plan, it is important to come back to the present and assess your current reality.  In this session, you will build a short-term action plan based upon your assessment of the skills, education, training, or experience you need to cultivate.  The plan will address whether you can gain the desired experience in your current position or company or through an interim job with another company.  


  • Session #6:  Phase II, Building Your Reputation & Clarifying the Focus & Creating a Business Plan
    As you plan for Phase II, you will explore opportunities to expand your network, build the reputation of you and your new business, and continue to clarify your focus to enhance success as you continue to implement your action plans.  In addition, this session provides a review and discussion of the purpose of a business plan, types of business plan formats, and the components of the plan.

The program includes:

  • Video-training sessions, offered to you in the comfort of your own home (no travel or scheduling challenges!) 

  • A Participant Workbook (in pdf format) for you to use to guide your journey.

  • A supportive, private, online community with other like-minded women, from all walks of life.

  • The opportunity to work directly with Susan McGraw, founder of Career Success for Women & Youth, who has coached over 7,000 individuals and trained more than 45,000 group participants to embrace change, create smooth life transitions, and enhance their career and professional satisfaction.

Give yourself the tools to ensure that your work and your life match your vision for the future!

Coming Soon!

How the Program Works:

"Becoming Your Own Boss" Master Class is a 6-session video-training course, which you can complete in the comfort of your own home, at times when it is most convenient for you!



For $199.00, you will:

  • Be guided through the 6 video-trainings, offered to you in the comfort of your own home (no travel or scheduling challenges!) 

  • Receive a Participant Workbook (in pdf format) for you to use to guide your journey.

  • Engage in a supportive, private, online community with other like-minded women, from all walks of life.

  • Have the opportunity to work directly with Susan McGraw, Founder & CEO of Career Success for Women & Youth, who has coached over 7,000 individuals and trained more than 45,000 group participants to embrace change, create smooth life transitions, and enhance their career and professional satisfaction.

Give yourself the tools to ensure that your work and your life match your vision for the future!

New Master Class Coming Soon!
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